Title: A Summer on Hudson Bay - with an Appendix on...
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton, London
Publication Date: 1949
Binding: Hardcover
Book Condition: Very Good
Dust Jacket Condition: Good
Edition: First
224 printed pages. Frontis black and white photographic portrait plate & seven black and white photographic plates insterspersed through text, with a 68 page appendix on the Birds of North-Western Ungava with Notes on Earlier Ornithological Work in the Region. Map front endpaper". Unclipped pictorial dust jacket (green with an illustration of men at sea on a boat with black lettering) which bears some chipping, closed 1cm. tear at top of spine and some very light marks. Mrs. Manning was the first woman to be employed in an official Geodetic Survey of the Far North. This book is her on day-to-day record of this Arctic adventure." - from dust jacket.