47 unnumbered pages : colour illustrations. The total edition was 125 copies, of which this is number 26 out of 35 in this "formal" - or deluxe - binding, signed by Rebecca Bingham,, produced with Maryline Poole Adams (Poole Press) in 1992. These little cookbooks contain 10 recipes, representing each of the first 10 MBS Conclave cities . The location of each of the past nine conclaves is represented by a recipe indicative of that region (i.e., Conclave 2, 1984, Boston, Mass.: "Boston brown bread"). This book celebrates the 10th Conclave of the Miniature Book Society. It was letter press printed at Poole Press. Maryline illustrated and printed the pages; Rebecca compiled the recipes and designed and managed production of the bindings. 54 x 73 mm. Hand bound by Donald Brady in white damask stamped with a gold place setting that includes a real porcelain plate set onto the cover. The book is contained in a specially designed lucite slipcase with a pull-out drawer. Bradbury, 427. OCLC, 47747774. WorldCat locates 5 copies worldwide (all in the USA).