1766. First edition. xvi, 344, [final errata leaf] printed pages, folding copper engraved plate. Original endpapers. Ink ownership inscription on front free endpaper, dated 1852. Provenance: William Turner Newby, Ulverston [Lancashire]. 140 x 215 mm. Contemporary full calf binding; spine with six compartments and double gilt ruled raised bands, and red leather label and gilt titling. Corners worn, generally slightly rubbed, hinges cracked and rather weak but still holding. Head and tail of spine worn. "Cockin, William (bap. 1736, d. 1801), schoolmaster and writer. His father died when he was eighteen so he supported his family for several years. In 1764, following an unhappy period teaching in London boarding-schools, Cockin was appointed writing master and accountant at Lancaster grammar school. Here he influenced the broadening of the curriculum and originated a poetic tradition. From 1784 Cockin taught at the Revd. John Blanchard's Nottingham Academy, where one of his pupils was George Pryme, the economist. Cockin retired to Burton in 1792 to devote himself to literary pursuits. He became Romney's companion at Hampstead and his amanuensis at Kendal. In the belief that no systematic school mathematical book existed, Cockin published A Rational and Practical Treatise of Arithmetic (1766)." DNB. OCLC, 642288123. Uncommon in commerce.